Basket Sets/Assortments is a well known Wholesale Basket Set supplier. has one of the largest selections of Wholesale Basket Sets available at wholesale prices specifically for the retail floral industry. Please browse our selection of high quality wholesale Basket Sets and other related items below.

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W 33560

18Pc White Bamboo Assortment

• 3 Each 5" Terra Style
• 3 Each 6" Low Bowl
• 2 Sets of 3 Rectangles
• 3 Each 5" Princess
• 3 Each 6" with Handles
$46.99 Per Case of 1 pieces

DL 5620

20Pc Brown/Whitewashed Bamboo Assortment

Square=4.75 Inch x 3.75 Inch
Round=4.5 Inch Dia x 4.5 Inch Height. Overall Height 11.25 Inch
Oval=8 Inch x 5.5 Inch x 3.75 Inch Height. Overall Height 10 Inch
Square with Handle=4.75 Inch x 3.75 Inch Height. Overall Height 11 Inch
Rectangle=8.75 Inch x 5 Inch x 4 Inch. Overall Height 11 Inch
$47.99 Per Set
- OR -
$47.99 Per Case of 1 Set at $47.99 Per Set!

DL 5531

24 Pc Natural Bamboo Assortment

7 Inch Average
Small Round: 5" Opening, 3.5" High, 11.5" Overall Height
Small Round: 6" Opening, 3.75" High, 12" Overall Height
Large Round: 8" Opening, 3.75" High, 14" Overall Height
Round: 6" Opening, 4" Deep
Small Rectangle: 6.5"x4.5" Opening, 3" High, 12" Overall Height
Long Rectangle: 10"x5.5" Opening, 2.75" High, 13" Overall Height
Rectangle: 5.75"x7" Opening, 4" High
Princess: 4.5" Opening, 3.5" High, 8" Overall width.
$62.39 Per Piece
- OR -
$62.39 Per Case of 1 Pieces at $62.39 Per Piece!

DL 5516

24Pc Jewel Tone Bamboo Assortment

Bamboo Basket
Openings average 5-7"
Hard Liners Included
$49.99 Per Piece
- OR -
$49.99 Per Case of 1 Pieces at $49.99 Per Piece!

DL 3330 WHT

24Pc White Assortment

Bamboo Baskets
7" Average opening
$49.99 Per Piece
- OR -
$49.99 Per Case of 1 Pieces at $49.99 Per Piece!

DL 5547

24Pc. French Braid Whitewashed Assortment

Bamboo Basket
7" Average Opening
$53.99 Per Piece
- OR -
$53.99 Per Case of 1 Pieces at $53.99 Per Piece!

DL 5521 NAT

3 Asst Bamboo Basket Natural

Oval-7.25"x5.5" Opening; 3.5" High
Round-6.5" Opening; 3.5" High
Rectangle: 7"x6" Opening; 3.25"
Natural Finish
Hard liners included
$2.35 Per Piece
- OR -
$45.36 Per Case of 24 Pieces at $1.89 Per Piece!

DL 5521 STN

3 Asst Bamboo Basket Stained

Oval-7.25"x5.5" Opening; 3.5" High
Round-6.5" Opening; 3.5" High
Rectangle: 7"x6" Opening; 3.25"
Stained Finish
Hard liners included
$2.45 Per Piece
- OR -
$47.76 Per Case of 24 Pieces at $1.99 Per Piece!

DL 5521 WHT

3 Asst Bamboo Basket White Painted

Oval-7.25"x5.5" Opening; 3.5" High
Round-6.5" Opening; 3.5" High
Rectangle: 7"x6" Opening; 3.25"
White Painted Finish
Hard liners included
$2.55 Per Piece
- OR -
$50.16 Per Case of 24 Pieces at $2.09 Per Piece!

DL 98003

3 Asst Natural Chipwood W/Handle

Finish: 2-Tone Natural
3 Assorted
Round: 6.5" Opening, 4" High
Oval: 6.5x8.5" Opening, 4" High
Rectangular: 8.25x6.5" Opening, 3.5" High
$5.29 Per Piece
- OR -
$114.96 Per Case of 24 Pieces at $4.79 Per Piece!

DL 19758

6 Asst Bamboo Orchard 3 W/Handle 3 W/Out Handle

Rectangle: 7.5x6" Opening, 4" High
Round: 7" Opening, 3.75" High
Oval: 7.5x5.75" Opening, 3.75" high
Natural Finish
Hard Liner Included
$2.79 Per Piece
- OR -
$82.44 Per Case of 36 Pieces at $2.29 Per Piece!

DL 8075

Bamboo Woven Basket Trunk Set-Natural

Small: 11x6.5" Opening, 3.5" High
Medium: 13x8.5" Opening, 3.75" High
Large: 15x11" Opening, 4.5" High
Natural Finish
$91.96 Per Case of 4 pieces